
Three Key Elements To Effective Prompting

1. Context: The context of the question is critical in a business setting. For instance, if you ask the AI, “What’s the ROI?”, it won’t know which specific project or investment you’re referring to. But if you provide the context, such as “What’s the ROI for our digital marketing campaign in Q2?”, the AI can provide a more accurate answer. Include who the response is being targeted toward and the sender.
2. Detail: Detail is equally important. For instance, if you ask the AI, “How to improve sales?”, you might get a generic answer. However, if you ask, “How can we improve sales in our Southeast Asian markets for the XYZ product line?” the AI can provide a more specific and useful strategy.
3. Style of Output: The desired format or style of the answer is also essential. For example, if you need a brief overview of a business report, you could ask, “Provide a summary of our Q3 financial report.” If you need a comprehensive analysis, you could prompt, “Provide a detailed analysis of our competitors’ market strategies.” Include actual style such as “Provide the answer in bullet points”  
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