
BizBOTS For Your Websites


BizBOTS vs Regular Chat Bots

  • No programming of questions and answers.
  • Use your custom data from your BizGPT Catalogue.
  • Query files directly from Bots in your BizGPT account. 
  • You can build as many BizBOTS as required
  • Add multiple BizBOTS to your sites referencing specific data. 
  • Update and create new BizBOTS live.

Use Cases Across Your Business

You can create as many BizBOTS as you require. You can add the same BizBOT to multiple pages on your website(s) or you can create multiple BizBOTS that are usewd for different purposes. Example use cases include:

  • Company and Team BizBOT for your About Us page
  • Product information BizBOT for every product page
  • Terms and conditions BizBOT for your T&C page
  • Customer support BizBOTS for each service you offer
  • Industry knowledge base BizBOT about your industry
  • Updates, blogs and E-News content querying
  • Specials, offers and deals updates

Embed or Pop-Up Options

Choose completely in-page embedded or Pop-Up BizBots to match your website themes for desktop, mobile and e-commerce.

DIY Setup and Branding

You select the data source for every BizBOT, the website domains and all the styling to match your website and corporate theme.  For full details on setting up your BizBOTS Learn More

BizBOTS Chat for websites

Schedule a Demonstration for a guided tour of Live BizBOTS.